Guidelines For Participants


The Professional Development Programme (PDP) on Implementation of the National Education Policy-2020 is offered by IGNOU, and approved by the UGC as equivalent to UGC-HRDC Programmes.

The new National Education Policy - 2020 (NEP-2020) was notified by the Government of India in July 2020, 34 years after the last NPE was notified in 1986. The NEP-2020 provides for a comprehensive, sustainable and reformative roadmap for a paradigm shift in the entire education system in the country, and is culturally grounded, is geared toward quality transformation, and is internationally competitive. In so far as higher education is concerned, besides proposing for foundational principles for educational change in relation to Indian traditional knowledge, culture and values, the NEP-2020 proposes reforms in all areas of higher education, including its structure, curriculum and pedagogy, teaching-learning strategies, learning resources and technology-enabled learning, vocational education and skilling and employability, 21st century learning and social and life skills, optimal learning environment and learner support, formative and summative assessment, internationalization, research and scholarship, governance and leadership, and regulation and accreditation.

There is now a need that all the college and university teachers in the country get exposed to the nuances and implementation strategies of the National Education Policy- 2020 (NEP-2020) so that their implementation in institutional contexts becomes smooth, effective, and sustainable.

This NEP-PDP is a 36-hour training programme, recognised by UGC as equivalent to 6-day short-term professional development programme of UGC-HRDC. One can successfully complete the programme within 6-9 days duration; and the certification on successful completion of the programme shall also be equally useful for purposes of API, CAS and any other career advancement requirements specified by UGC.

The target groups to be imparted training include the following (total= 15.01 lakh) (AISHE data: 2020):

  • University teachers =2.14 lakh (including 1401 Open University teachers, and above 1000 dual-mode university DE teachers).
  • College teachers = 11.3 lakh (including 58,105 academic counselors of 15 open universities).
  • Teachers of SAIs = 1.57 lakh

After going through the total of 36 hours of training (comprising of 6 days of inputs, equivalent to a 6-Day short-term professional development programme of UGC-HRDC), the participating faculty shall be well-equipped with awareness knowledge about various dimensions of NEP-2020. More specifically, they will be able to:

  1. Describe the foundational principles of NEP-2020, structural arrangements, GER, access, equity, inclusion, and 21st century learning in higher education, and plan for their further growth and development.
  2. Analyse and reflect upon Bhartiya Gyan Parampara, culture and values, holistic and multidisciplinary education, curriculum and pedagogy, multiple entry-exit, skilling and employability, optimal learning environment and learner support, academic bank of credits, innovative formative and summative assessment, and formulate plan of action in these areas.
  3. Analyse various components of online and digital education /technology-enabled learning/ blended learning, OERs, MOOCs and flipped classrooms, and visualise effective implementation of flipped and blended learning in teaching-learning, learner support, and learner management/ analytics.
  4. Describe the status and possibilities of cross-border delivery, internationalisation of curriculum; and underline the importance of quality academic research, and regulation and quality assurance in developing an academic culture of evidence-based teaching-learning.
  5. Articulate and reflect upon the changing role of faculty and academic leadership and governance in grounding the NEP into implementation reality and strategize its effective and appropriate implementation.

Any teacher of any Higher Education Institute in India can register and participate in the Professional Development Programme on National Education Policy-2020.The teacher has to register at the Samarth-NEP portal ( by uploading institution I-Card or letter from the Head of the Institution.

  1. Visit the Website of NEP-PDP,
  2. Carefully read the instructions before Registration.
  3. Keep soft copy of your institution Identify Card or Copy of Recommendation Letter by the Head of your Institution as proof of your being teachers in that institution. Also keep soft copies of your passport size photograph and signature.
  4. Click on the Registration Link given on the Home Page of the NEP-PDP Website.
  5. Fill up the required information and upload the required documents including photograph and signature as mentioned at point number 03.
  6. Select the Training Slot of Dates for NEP-PDP that you intend to attend.
  7. Preview your Form and check the selected slot for your Training and submit the Registration Form.
  8. You will get the information about the submission of your application, and subsequently the confirmation of registration and the slot for the programme.
  9. The programme shall be offered through the SWAYAM platform.

The NEP-PDP shall be delivered through a blended learning mode comprising: self-learning of digital modules (4 modules comprising 14 units); and digital videos (30); online synchronous interaction (1) through Swayam Prabha channel-20, and asynchronous Discussion Forum (1) at the SWAYAM platform.





(4 modules/14 Units)



(30 videos)

Asynchronous Discussion Forum

Virtual Conferencing

  1. Foundational Principles, Bhartiya Gyan Parampara, Culture and Values, GER, Access, Equity, Inclusion.

6 hours

2 hours

To be covered.

To be covered.

  1. Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education, Curriculum and Pedagogy, Optimal Learning Environment and Support, Multiple Entry-Exit, Vocational Education and Skilling and Employability, Innovative Formative and Summative Assessment.

6 hours

3 hours

To be covered.

To be covered.

  1. Digital Education/ Technology-Enabled Learning, Cross-border Education/ Internationalisation, Quality Academic Research, Regulation and Quality Assurance.

6 hours

3 hours

To be covered.

To be covered.

  1. Role of Teachers, Governance and Leadership.

4 hours

1 hour

To be covered.

To be covered.

Total= 36 Hours (6-days week, spread over 9 days).

22 hours

9 hours

2.5 hours (1 DF)

2.5 hours

(1 conferencing)

The 4 Modules (about 40-50 pages each, containing a few Units, each of about 3000-4000 words) have been be written, 30 Videos (about 20-25 minutes each) have been be presented, 1 Synchronous Conferencing through Swayam Prabha channel, and 1 extended Discussion Forum shall be undertaken by experts (having knowledge about higher education, NEP-2020, and online delivery). All these shall be operated at the SWAYAM portal to be implemented by the IGNOU-HQ (WG-3 and the NEP-PDP Implementation Committee in the NEP-PDP Control and Monitoring Unit at STRIDE; and the registration shall take place at the Samarth-NEP portal ( and 56 Regional Centres of IGNOU.

In this programme you will be provided e-Units and videos. You can access the e-content online as well as download the e-Units and videos on your device.


In this programme you will be provided with units and videos. You can access the e-content online as well as download the units and videos on your device.


After going through the e-content, you will join a live conferencing presentation and interaction session. Information on this shall be provided to your email or through mobile sms.


After completing the live conferencing session, you will join the Discussion Forum. You need to give the online MCQ test having 30% weightage which will be based on the topics covered in the modules and videos, and the discussion forum.


At the end of the programme you need to give a Final Online MCQ test with 70% weightage. If you get 50% marks out of 100 marks, you will get the Digital Certificate of completion. The grade and scores shall be mentioned in your certificate.

  1. Your application made at the Samarth platform will be scrutinized and verified by the Regional Centre of IGNOU in your state.
  2. If found eligible, you will get Confirmation of Registration; and subsequently the Login Credentials shall be sent to your email to access the NEP-PDP on SWAYAM at which the entire programme shall take place.

  1. You will get a Welcome Email and Credentials to Login.

  2. Login to NEP-PDP on SWAYAM.

  3. Start reading the Training Modules and watch the relevant Videos available on the Portal. You can download the modules and videos.

  4. Keep on reading the Modules and watch related Videos.

  5. You will get information on Swayam Prabha Channel 20 for the Live Conference.

  6. The Live Conference by eminent experts involves presentation and interaction with the participants.

  7. The Discussion Forum will be available for interaction. 

  8. You will give the Discussion Forum Test and Programme-End Test, and the training component shall end; however, participants can still attempt DF MCQs and also attempt the Programme-end MCQs.

  9. By Day 9, the participants are required to complete the DF-MCQs and Programme-end MCQs. By the end of Day-9, the access to the portal for this batch closes.

  1. You can respond to the DF-MCQ, and the Programme-end MCQs between Day-5 to Day-9.

  2. The DF-test shall have 15 MCQs (for 30 marks) and Programme-End test shall have 35 MCQs (for 70 marks).

  3. If you score 50% or more in the tests, you will get an E-Certificate of completion of the NEP-PDP Training Programme.

  4. If you are not able to score the required minimum 50% score (out of 100 marks), you need to re-register in any ‘next slot’, and continue reading / viewing, and clear the DF-Test and PE-Test and get the certificate.

Contact Us

For any clarification or more details, please write to us:

NEP - PDP Control and Monitor Room,

Staff Training and Research Institute of Distance Education,
Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi

New Delhi - 110068
